Corrado Macchi

Corrado Macchi



In 1993 he founded the “Studio Legale Macchi” which, starting from February 2000, became “Studio Legale Macchi & Associati”. He is the senior partner of the Firm and is specialized in corporate litigation and arbitration, as well as in the preparation and negotiation of commercial contracts. He holds a diploma in business organization from SDA Bocconi Corrado Macchi has been a lawyer since 1990. He sits and has been a member of the boards of directors of numerous Italian and multinational companies operating in the field of commerce, industry and some active in the field of energy (ESCO) and energy saving. He is an appreciated speaker at conferences and holds courses in commercial law in private institutes and non-university organizations, and is the promoter of frequent training meetings and conferences on current issues for clients and colleagues, also enjoying accreditation by the professional orders concerned. He has been and is President or member of the steering committee of several associations operating in social sectors, at local and national level. He is part of the corporate structure, also in a professional capacity and representing Italian and foreign customers, of companies operating in various contexts, from training, to international trade, to consulting in the energy sector. He personally manages the establishment of companies with mixed Italian and foreign capital, he is a consultant for companies operating in the Persian Gulf in sectors not affected by constraints (agriculture, cosmetics, textiles). For years he has been the trusted lawyer of private law companies, companies and entities with public participation and foundations of national importance. He was the reference lawyer of a Foreign Ministry, for the implementation of tourist promotion offices in Italy. In addition to Italian, he speaks and writes fluently in English.

Representative experiences